Is Sick Gambler gay??

Well folks, you all know me, I'm a 37 year old loser that has NO wife now, and never have been married. I hang around with a bunch of grown men on the internet all day long wasting my life. I don't get out of the house too much, which is why I don't get enough action with the ladies. Hell, the closest I came to getting any action with a woman in the last month, is exchanging an email with Clevfan last week.

For a long time now, I have wondered about myself if maybe indeed I am gay, and I just never knew it, or wanted to admit it. It seems that a lot of people think I am gay. (not that there's anything wrong with it) People always look at me different when I go to family parties, and ask me how come at age 37, I am NOT yet married.. I never know what to say. I can't say because I gamble all day long and hang around a bunch of losers on the internet for 19 hours a day. So I just make up an excuse that I haven't yet found the right one, but how long can I keep saying this.

So hanging around men all day, and being single without a woman, made me question my sexuality, and if I am really gay or not. I wanted to find out ASAP, because I wasn't sure, but deep down, I knew I was NOT gay. So today, something happened to me to make me finally answer my question. I went to the club this morning, not to swim my usual, but to go for a relaxing sauna, shower and shave before I went for a fast Christmas shopping. But what I saw today, I had NEVER seen ever at this club, as I never went before in the morning, I only go in the afternoon between 3 and 5. Usually in the afternoon, there are not more than 2 people in the showers. Well today folks, there must have been about 46 naked men in the showers. I'd never seen so many guys naked in my life in one room. So I told myself, this is it. I will now find out if I am gay or not. This was it folks. The big test. If I got an erection, I am gay. If not, I am not gay. Boys, I tell you, 2 feet away from me, I saw big dicks, small dicks. I saw big asses, boney asses. I saw short men, tall men, fat men. I saw big bellies, skinny guys, big balls, small balls, hairy balls, hairy asses, hairy backs, 78 yr old men, 17 yr old boys, hairless men, black guys, white guys, chinese guys, I saw it all folks. They were all naked in front of me for 1 hour. There was this one guy who was so hairy, it's unbelievable. If I am gay, I would NEVER sleep with this guy. Boys, that was gross. This guy was beyond hairy. How do women even consider sleeping with people who look like this. I was really going to puke.

At first, I went into the sauna and couldn't believe the # of people that were in there. There must have been about 18 people in there in an 8 foot room. We were all practically touching each other. The 9 seats were occupied, and we were 9 guys standing side by side. There was a standing room only crowd in there. There was a capacity crowd on hand in there. I'm used to seeing only 1 person, or none in the sauna with me. And folks, I am glad to say, that it is official. I am NOT gay. I did NOT get one erection, or even close to it in the 30 minutes I was in there.

I was very very happy that i passed the test. I really wondered lately if I was, because of all the time I spend here with men. My whole life is dealing with men only. This really made my Christmas, because had I got a hard on today, it would have been hard to tell my family that I am gay. But at least I am NOT. So all you people out there that think that I am because of my status of being 37 and single, you can stop worrying. Sick Gambler is alive and well, and NOT gay..

not that there's anything wrong with that..
you make that place sound so appealing? Is there any chance I could have a shot with "katwoman" /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

New member
Sep 21, 2004
There is still hope for you to hook up with someone. I would strongly suggest you take a cruise it is a great way to meet people. In your case a singles cruise a singles resort.
I can`t find that picture of Santa running into the airplaine, can you get me the link to that ? thanks!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You went to the Gym knowing you were going to be checking guys out. Sounds pretty gay to me. How often do you here someone say, "hey I'm going to the Gym to check out all the guys in the Sauna and see if I get a hard on or not." /infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif


"The more you know, the more you know you don't know sh!t!"
Thanks , I wanted to show my daughter... /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif I hope it doesn t traumatize her!
sick for just asking that question I would say YES YOU ARE GAY


I will be chillin /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

New member
Sep 21, 2004
sick did you just go there to shower and play in the sauna? if so you are gayer then a christmas fruit cake
i dont know if you are a gay, but i do think that you and ID would make a nice little couple.
I don't know why you guys are saying that I went there to be in the sauna with naked hairy men. I had NO idea there would be 46 guys in the shower room. I had NEVER been there on a Saturday morning before. I'd NEVER been there in any morning before. I just went there to shave, take a sauna, and shower, before I start my day. That's it. I had NO idea what I was going to see.
how can you be gay sick, you are loveladies /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

sick, u aint gay, you are just a compulsive writer, i wish you d write a novel or two or a few short stories, get that imagination kicking man, on paper, cyberspace is cruel and devours most of your inspirations into 1's and 0's, get it down to paper man, you got a gift...

as for gambling....

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